My Life In Films

I watch, I write.

Film Reviews, of a sort.

Check out the Archive, It's my favourite place.

Dantes Peak (1997) - 22/03/2015

She’s just clearing her throat.

TV. 3rd Time.

Isn’t that Lake Placid? From Lake Placid (1999). Even though that came after this. And I don’t just mean the general plot similarities, but the Grandma’s Lake House looks like the one in Lake Placid (1999). Perhaps all Lake Houses look similar. I’ll try remember to check if I ever re-watch The Lake House (2006).

Volcano (1997) wins. Although it’s a bit like winning by default.


A Most Violent Year (2014) - 09/03/2015

It’s a fair price for it.

Little Cinema. 1st Time.

Stare longer than you should.

A really well paced (steady) (crime) thriller.

Any new market is a tough one.

It’s probably going to be quietly overlooked. Which is a shame.

I want more of it.


Kingsman (2015) - 24/02/2015

This is not that sort of film.

New Cinema. 1st Time.

Tone?! It wobbles around a bit. It has the feel of being from a book which while true could be seen as a positive or a negative.

Updating the genre and simultaneously tying it to the past.


Wild (2014) - 23/02/2015

Don’t worry, you won’t become a Nazi.

Little Cinema. 1st Time.

Not for me. I see the framework, but I’d rather it was more about the walk.


Mr Turner (2014) - 22/02/2015

Excellent Gooseberry pie.

Little Cinema. 1st Time.

A teaming, crashing, wild ocean of complexity and emotion, behind a sea of gruff expression of breath.

Them that fish for compliments don’t get none.

Good enough for me.


The Epic Of Everest (1924) - 10/02/2015

We who are so little and Nature who is so immense.

Stream. 1st Time.

The highest mountain in the world.

Little did we know.

We can only watch these supermen returning from building Two higher camps.

It doesn’t seem real. It also seems like watching a projection onto the moon.

The artificial breaths of oxygen gone.

Sad because of the tragedy of death.
